Monday, February 27, 2012


So I didn't post yesterday, and I have no excuse besides the fact that I forgot, doh!

I have this huge bag of alpaca fur that I bought off of Etsy from a rescue farm, and it was significantly larger than I was anticipating!  The listing didn't have a full photo, and all it said was that it would be more than two pounds of fiber.  In my mind I said oh, two pounds of fiber, that's reasonable, yes?

I've never bought more than half a pound of fiber before, so I guess I just wasn't prepared.  I haven't weighed it, but it might be more than two pounds.  I was just shocked when I opened it up and bam!  A whole garbage bag full of fiber!

It's super soft, and it'll make some awesome yarn I think!  It's light enough that I think it'll take some dye too.  I'll have to go through and sort it, but from what I've looked at of it, it's really quite clean.  It certainly doesn't have an overpowering smell like the leicester wool that I bought.

I keep putting off spinning it though, telling myself that I should wait until I have a spinning wheel, since spinning this much fiber by drop spindle is intimidating, to say the least.  I still have other spinning projects to finish fist anyways!

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