Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New warp!

Well, since I'm waiting for the new reed to come in I thought I would plan out my next project!  I had some more awesome sale yarn from yarn.com that I bought.  It reminds me of watermelons.

So I've had to get back to using a lot of math to figure things out.  I bought six skeins of this yarn, three coral, three green.  Each skein has 132 yards on it, so I had approximately 400 yards of each color.  From there I had to calculate how much yarn I need to use for the warp!  I used half of it on the warp, so I'm hoping I'll have plenty for the weft too!

This is how much I decided to do:
5 ends per inch x 10" wide x 280" long = 140,000 inches

Divide 140,000" by 36" (the number of inches in a yard) to get the yardage that you need!
140,000 / 36 = 389~ yards

Perfect!  That should be enough for me to make three 80" scarves!  The loom unfortunately takes up a lot of waste, I can usually get away with about a foot of loom waste per item, maybe a little less if I take the time to carefully tie on.

I can't wait to start working on this one though!  I'm thinking a basket weave might be nice, but the yarn is pretty thick so it might be too much, I don't know!  Maybe I'll just do one of them basket, and switch up the other two, hm.

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